smoke screen of race / lessons of respect l.jane huff/author

A Torment look at America through the eyes of a child , our children don’t deserve the world we have made , look around you , violence , mass shootings ,  child abduction by their own parents and strangers to be found days OR years  later in someones  house walls or in a ditch,  or worst never returned like jessie dugard case ,  who will bare the burden of this tragedy of a life we call life , When i wake up in the morning the first thing i do is pray, pray? what is prayer? some might ask,  people truely skip the notion that prayer solves or stops or hinder the wicked minds , is it in our foods we eat, or waters we drink?  but what ever it is is  reaping havoc on our lives , we are full of resentment about a era we can not change but can certainly make not happen again its true slaves were sold in america some torchered abused stripted of identity and worst RIP EMMITT TILL , but the human beings of today should not be held accountable ,  color of skin has been a fixture in fueling the fires that burn  on our soil we call american , a rageing fire that never stop’s roaring accross every city every nation.  america the beautiful what a lie we been feeding ourselves ,. so we can cope with our selves , what a morbid and ignorant though to think you live in some castle of countries with lilly white fields, our lilly green pastures are tainted with poison we are forced to swollow , every day you walk down the grocery isle , no dam wonder were all crazy, with prozac in the bathroom cabinet or next to the bed , no wonder we are dependant on chemicals to make it through then after you have injested it you have 50 other  side effects that you got to resolve as well , what is wrong with our world we live in ? is ask,  revolving doors, you go out one and your back in the same one by noon, a non escapable  ability to blame everyone else but you . I WILL SHARE THIS STORY:  ONE DAY….

i looked out my window and saw two birds, perched on a branch i  stood  with my nose pressed to the window , and the sky was so pretty the birds seem to be talking ., they seem to be communicating in a way i never saw. one was red the other  brown. they started to pat each other on the wing sort of and they flew around chasing each other from branch to branch ,chirping a  tune , i had  a  einstein moment, where i could see what life should be through those birds , i know this sound silly but , i didn’t know which was male or female, but it didn’t matter to me as much as it mattered that they got along, two birds from different backgrounds and colors. meeting there and haveing a ball, just communicating sharing , i noticed again when i look back , at them 10 minutes later they were sharing a snack one of them had found and bought back to the spot ., it was majical for me cause rarely do you see a creation god made called human, communicate with this type of respect. and love . i dont know if they met there often but my point is they knew,  from just the fact god made them that they are to get along to make it to survive they look out for one another ,and sometimes they travel in  groups ., a few minutes later i saw a squirl , climb up near their spot and they , stopped and said what i think was hello to him and allowed him to join in and eat too. what appeared to be a core of a apple ., i was just amazed my mind drifted to a world i never even knew and i started day dreaming that what if my neighbor whom is a different race than me was this way . my neighbor come out the house and dont even say hello sometimes .

i alway make a point in saying hello  to a person, it hurts that they don’t acknowlege you till dam near force to . but thats ok cause i understand the  underline anger we carry as people ,fustrations,  and disconnect. due to where we are in life,   is this life gonna get better or do we have to wait til we die and venture to the other demention of life to find true peace and happiness., some people die so tragical, i read the other day a man shot his wife and himself because she was  cheating . and i though my lord is this what  you do when you say til death do we part .,  who believes this ? and why. what about that second he had to think of all she meant to him, i quest she really meant  nothing in the end . i wondered how possible it is for someone to forget about all the love and joy you had to snapp and its over ?

not only do you not know gods word , you dont give a dam bout it either you are so consumed with your centered belief that you will take justice in your own hand and  be the lowest that you can be . to  leave this world one day empty and confused . bitter and lost  is un comprehensable and unacceptable to god.

is there a such thing as dieing happy ? cause living happy is not an option no more .for some

sinceless killings every day we have to push forward and try to forget about each saying  “”well it was oviously their time to go ., little children who were savagely killed its their time to go? or is this our  ultimate wake up call that  you dont have all the time you think to get your life right .?  right what is right , even if you dont know jesus  and refuse to .. thats fine with us but you can at least, try to live human, learn to laught in the face of pain hurt and anger  consuming us all  ,  people who have robbed you of a love one ., cause when you wollow in anger you manisfest grief , and grief is nothing but  poison energy  ready to explode on the one person whom is  human just like you . who  can be there for you if you need a hand .  you never know who your gonna encounter on your journey  you will a have to trust and believe in, . and if that is to far fetch for you .  god may put them back in your path in some weird way .  as i witness many times .   example : i loaned a friend some money  and that friend oviousl forgot or just didnt want to or couldnt pay me back . for weeks they hide from me and i never called to bug them but they hide from me they didnt come over anymore or call , and pretty much shut me out .,  one day months later the person couldnt get to work, it was a snow storm in denver and no one would come and give them a ride ,  if they didnt get there they would be fired  , because they were on  thier third write up and the bosses said  you must come in or dont come back , this persons only car would not start  for nothing . they called me i had a 4×4  truck my husband drove it mostly , the person called and said i need a favor , i said what he said i need to get to work , and i though about the fact you have a truck that can get through snow,  he work the  night shift from 6 til 6am .,  the snow was 2 feet but freeways were clear , it was getting to the freeway was the problem it just happen to be  one of the worst snow storms in the state ever, here my friend was begging for a ride .  he said to me i know i have not spoke to you in a while and im sorry , i know i owe you money and im sorry for that too but i really need help or im out of work and i got kids to feed .  as  i held the phone , i went to the other room and told my husband  he said no we cant help .  and that was all he had to say.  he knew the situation and he was furious at the friend .

i got dressed  quietly grabbed the keys off the counter and headed out the door, i saw my neighbors  shoving snow and ask could they help me get snow from under the wheels , my husband came out by then to help , he didnt want to , i got on the phone told my friend that i was on the way.  he said thank  you god bless you .

my husband kissed me and said be careful  the drive was about 24 min away from me the roads were hideous  with snow and ice , it also had rained the day before the ice storm ,  i  almost ran into an embankment  and got stuck, but a tow truck pulled me out . i moved on towards his house , i got there. handed him the keys , and told him to take me home he could keep the truck over nite to get to work .

i didnt want him to lose his job . and they may not even have fired him but the lesson oh the lesson . . are you following me ?  god will place lessons in your view so you can see them .  un ignorable lessons you cant get around and later you are forced to see .

so my friend got to work and we got to sleep .early  my husband had to go to work that morning  and  sure enough he return the care in time .  i had made coffee so he sat down with me and my husband for coffee . as we sat there  he looked around the room as though  he was searching for something . and he squinted his eyes and he said  why did you help me ?  and i smiled and i said  GOD TOLD ME TO … and he laughed my husband laughed to .  and he said really? i said  what i mean is  there is a power higher than we know or understand . and i have to stay focused on my mission in life everday even when im hurt  or dissapointed . i just move on . and pray for the best .

he reached in his pocket and come out with  a wad of money he didnt count it he said here this is more than what i owe you . plus i filled up the truck with gas .  and i  refused to take it , i told him instead of paying me why dont you just pay it back in good deeds . he looked puzzeled he said you dont need this .   THAT WAS a interesting term being that i needed it weeks ago when i loaned it to you  i was thinking that . i softly said  we are always in need but i rather give than recieve . and i told him when ever you need anything , its ok to ask me . but dont expect to pay it back .  if you dont have it ., i told him i didnt believe in loaning anymore , due to this situation i told him since . all this happen i stop loaning   i now GIVE .  ..  GIVE AND YOU SHALL RECIEVED RANGED STRONG IN MY CONCIOUS //  that was my new  rule  of love

give and dont think about it , let them know its a gift and no one will run from truth or responsiblity  you dont want  to become the bill collector with friends , because most of the time when someone  borrow they cant pay back ,  when they pay back it still leaves them short, and bitter , and often bitter at you for asking for it back .  so my friend avoided me in stead of paying me .  and this will ruin friendships faster than you know . co workers , friends and love ones you have to do this with . and you tell them   if you want to  do something nice in return  for it later please do .   this is a gift from me to you .  if you dont have it to loan or its gonna break you then dont loan it . cause that is when you will feel angry and  a bused by them .

as far as the birds go   they remind  me of what family suppose to be a blended harmony of beings whom respect love , communicate well and  honor each other  , the animals were even of different breeds but still  interacted together in harmony and respect

peace out !  jane

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